Showing 10 Result(s)

winter dress outfits for fashion trends | fashionarrays

Here we can see how to be fashionable in winter dress outfits, some elements change in winter like color, texture, fabric, and prints. Basically black, gray, and dark colors are used in winter. Basically, winter dress outfits fabric like velvet, Flannel, tartan, tweed are used. and print like gingham and block print like black and …

fashion arrays

Theme for fashion show decide by designer

Dress for fashion designer, The theme for a fashion show is a very important role in awareness. Designers, Decide the Theme for a fashion show. They show their imagination through implementation.  The designer plays a vital role, dress for fashion designer which works for very important for awareness for society designer planning and analyze for …

Principles of design

The principles of design elements in fashion

The Principles of design The principles of design in fashion define what to do, how to do with fashion elements. These elements are line, color, texture, pattern. these elements are ingredients for the design. The principles of design learn how to make a balance in these elements. For making good design all designers follow the …

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